Oratorical Contest 2025

Beginning in 1928, the Oratorical Contest has become the longest-running program of Optimist International. The contest is designed for young people to gain experience in public speaking and provide them with an opportunity to compete for multiple college scholarships with a pre-assigned topic. District competition is April 26 in Stevens Point with scholarships: First Place: $2,500 • Second Place: $1,500 • Third Place: $1,000 with a chance to win $5000, $10,000 or $15,000 at the World Championships in St. Louis, MO July 17 and 18.
“How Optimism has guided Me Through Trying Times”
This contest is open to all high school students under the age of 19 before October 1st. The number of students competing is usually very small, between 10 and 15, so your chance of winning the local and district contests is very good. Students are writing a speech from the heart, and Pam Belden is available to anyone who whould like help with their speech. We have had a number of Bay Port winners of the District contests who then qualified for the World Championships the last few years. This year the local contest is on April 3, 2:45 in room D213 with a $300 scholarship for first place. Applications must be turned into Student Services by March 28th. Any questions can be directed to Pam Belden, Contest Coordinator, at 920-217-2083 or email pfbmomno1@new.rr.com.