Frequently Asked Questions

What is Friend of Optimists?

The Friend of Optimists Membership category was created to accommodate people who believe in what Optimist International stands for and what Optimist Clubs do in their communities. However, not everyone has the time to fully commit as a regular Member of an Optimist Club or perhaps they live in an area that does not have an Optimist Club. Joining as a Friend of Optimists allows people to Bring Out the Best in Kids apart from Club affiliation.

Can a Friend of Optimists participate in Club or District activities?

Absolutely! A Friend of Optimists may choose to participate in service projects and fundraisers with a local Club or District or they may choose to support the Optimist cause with their Membership fee only.

Are Friends of Optimists covered under Optimist International insurance?

Only when participating in an Optimist Club or District activity.

How much does it cost to be a Friend of Optimists?

A one-year Friend of Optimists membership is $100. Of this amount, $40 will go back to the local Optimist Club if the Club is mentioned on the application. If no Club is mentioned, the $40 will go back to the District in which the Friend of Optimists resides. The Club or District will receive a $40 rebate per Friend of Optimists the month after the application is processed.

What does one receive as a Friend of Optimists?

A Friend of Optimists receives a one-year subscription to The Optimist magazine, a membership card, a copy of The Optimist Creed, a cling-on Friend of Optimist decal, and Friend of Optimist Certificate.

Are Friends of Optimists eligible to vote at District and International Conventions?

No, Friends of Optimists do not have voting rights at District and International Conventions.

Do Friends of Optimists count toward Membership totals for Awards purposes?

Yes, Friends of Optimists will be counted for Awards purposes.

Can I sponsor a Friend of Optimists?

Yes, you can sponsor a Friend of Optimists and receive sponsorship credit for recruiting your Friend.

Can a Friend of Optimists eventually join an existing Club?

Yes! The Friend of Optimists membership is a great way to get people hooked on Optimism. If someone cannot fully commit to an Optimist Club, just ask them to join as a Friend of Optimists. It is a great way to get a taste of the organization and after a year of showing support and participating in a few projects, joining an Optimist Club may be their next step.

Can a Friend of Optimists eventually help build a Club?

Yes! If someone lives in an area without an Optimist Club, joining as a Friend of Optimists allows them to support the organization’s mission. It could even inspire them to help us build a new Optimist Club in their community.

Can a Friend of Optimists Membership be presented as a gift?

Sure! An Optimist Club can present a loyal supporter with a Friend of Optimists membership as a way of saying thank you for the support they have received. This would be for someone outside of their Club, perhaps someone who often serves as a sponsor or gives them items at a reduced cost for the Club’s projects.

There are countless opportunities that surround the Friend of Optimists membership, and it is just one more way to make sure Optimist International is “Bringing Out the Best in Kids.”

For additional information about Friend of Optimists:
Check out the website at
call (800) 500-8130


Optimist Club Officers  2024-2025

Club President: Dan O’Leary
Past President: Tom Binish
Vice President: Dave Koertge
Vice President: Vacant
Club Secretary: Sunni Dalgord
Club Treasurer: Tom Binish

Club Meetings

Meets Weekly: Tuesday Noon at:  1951 West/Rock Garden, 1951 Bond St, Green Bay, WI 54303